Lü Peiwen’s experience of using Furong Ointment in the treatment of acute mastitis during lactation |
LI Yuwei1 ZHANG Dongxiao2 LYU Peiwen2 |
1.Clinical Medical School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100105, China; 2.Department of Galactophore, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China |
Abstract This paper summarizes the clinical experience of Professor Lü Peiwen in the treatment of acute mastitis during lactation using Furong Ointment. The incidence of acute mastitis during lactation has increased significantly in recent years, and the probability of progression from mastitis to breast abscess increases greatly if the treatment is untimely and incorrect. Professor Lü Peiwen believes that this disease is mostly caused by the accumulation of breast milk, and the feeling of external evils, and the treatment is to clear away heat, remove toxins and dissipate lumps. Furong Ointment, as a classic prescription of yanjing school of surgery, has been used clinically for more than 50 years, which is based on the traditional formula and skillfully adds drugs to enhance the effectiveness and prevent therapeutic side effects, and is highly effective in treating acute mastitis during lactation, and it has the advantages of being easy to use, affordable, and with fewer adverse reactions. Professor Lü Peiwen emphasizes syndrome differentiation, focusing on the treatment modalities as well as the timing of entry, the use of Furong Ointment in the early stage of the disease is simple but specialized to reduce the patient’s symptoms and control the development of the disease effectively, reflecting the traditional Chinese medicine thinking of “people oriented and preventing transform when sickness”. And with one experimental case.
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