Professor Wang Qingfu’s experience in treating lumbar tendon injury based on three-part syndrome differentiation |
ZONG Chenzhong1 RUAN Anmin1 PENG Haoxuan2 YANG Tongjie1 YANG Yi1 ZHOU Jun1 YE Chao3 WANG Qingfu1 |
1.Department of Tendon and Injury, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China; 2.Department of Encephalopathy, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Hospital, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100007, China; 3.the Second Department of Bone, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract Lumbar tendon injury, including lumbar contusion, transverse process syndrome of the third lumbar vertebra, lumbar disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, etc. is one of the most popular and young diseases at present. Most of the commonly used western medicine and surgical therapy will produce certain side effects, and some patients are afraid of surgical treatment. Therefore, it is particularly critical to explore a treatment idea with less side effects and more prominent effects. As the inheritor of Qinggong bone-setting, Professor Wang Qingfu created the “three-part method” based on 40 years of clinical experience, dividing lumbar tendon injury into three stages, namely “injury of flesh, injury of tendon, and injury of bone”. In diagnosis, he not only pays attention to MRI, CT, and other diagnostic reports, but also pays attention to patients’ subjective feelings and palpation feelings of his hands, and applies syndrome differentiation and treatment thinking to the diagnosis of lumbar tendon injury. The diagnosis is clearer. Treatment at each stage of the treatment plan is different, the final effect is more prominent. In this paper, the three-part method is introduced, and the common problems in the treatment of lumbar tendon injury are discussed in order to improve the therapeutic effect of lumbar tendon injury.
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