Professor Zhao Haibin’s clinical experience in treating psychosomatic disorders after heart failure from the perspective of “deficiency, stasis, heat, and stagnation” |
LI Ruiyi1 DING Wanli1 ZHAO Weizhe1 SUN Zhiqi1 LIU Xiang1 ZHAO Haibin2 |
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China; 2.Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Dongfang Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China |
Abstract There are many types of psychiatric disorders secondary to heart failure, and due to the heaviness of the underlying disease and the complexity of the pre-morbid mechanism. There is a significant difference between mental and psychological disorders that occur solely or are secondary to other diseases, and it is a more challenging type of bicardiac disease. The differentiation and treatment concept of “syndrome based disease” is in line with the characteristics of the pathogenesis of this disease. Professor Zhao Haibin believes that the basic pathogenesis of mental and psychological disorders after heart failure is inseparable from the four aspects of “deficiency, stasis, heat, and stagnation”. In clinical treatment, this should be taken as a guide, focusing on the syndrome, grasping the commonalities of this pathogenesis, while cultivating the essence and strengthening the foundation, taking “promoting blood circulation, clearing the heart, regulating the mind, and promoting stagnation” as the basic method, while also taking into account the specificity of different mental and psychological disorders to increase or decrease according to the syndrome, in order to simplify medication and achieve the effect of beating drums.
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