Survey on situation of preconception health care services in maternal and child health care institutions at district and county levels in Chongqing |
GU Huayan WANG Jian▲ ZHANG Haiyan WANG Wei HE Dan |
Department of Women Health Center, Chongqing Health Center for Women and Children, Chongqing 401147, China |
Abstract Objective To understand the status quo of pre-pregnancy health care services in maternal and child health institutions in Chongqing. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among the participants of the 2021 Chongqing pre-pregnancy health training course. The contents mainly include: personal information, the status quo of pre-pregnancy inspection in maternal and child health institutions in various districts and counties, and the knowledge of pre-pregnancy. According to the principles of economic development, road traffic conditions, resource and environment carrying capacity, close level of development and geographical location, 38 administrative districts and counties in Chongqing were divided into main urban area group and non-main urban areas group. The status quo of pre-pregnancy examination and knowledge of pre-pregnancy were compared between the two groups. Results A total of 109 questionnaires were sent out, and 101 were effectively collected, with an effective recovery rate of 92.66%. All hospitals carried out free pre-pregnancy eugenic check-ups, but the return rate of at-risk groups was low. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in the rate of return visits, follow-up forms and the proportion of multimedia publicity among pre-pregnancy specialist clinics, psychological assessment, free pre-pregnancy risk groups in the same hospital(P<0.05). The total score of related knowledge before pregnancy and the score of part B in the main urban area group were higher than those in the non-main urban area group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The pre-pregnancy health care service capacity of Chongqing district and county maternal and child health institutions needs to be further improved.
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