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中国医药导报  2023, Vol. 20 Issue (33): 22-27    DOI: 10.20047/j.issn1673-7210.2023.33.04
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Study of the mechanism of mulberry leaf alkaloids on abnormal glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in mice with gestational diabetes mellitus based on AMPK-GLUT4 axis
QIAO Yanhua1 BAI Zhangying2▲ WANG Junfang3 LI Xiaomin4 TIAN Ying5
1.Department of Health, Handan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Hebei Province, Handan 056000, China;
2.Department of Obstetrics, Handan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Hebei Province, Handan 056000, China;
3.Laboratory Medicine, Handan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Hebei Province, Handan 056000, China;
4.Department of Pediatrics, Handan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Hebei Province, Handan 056000, China;
5.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University of Engineering, Hebei Province, Handan 056001, China
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