Textual research on the history of Crotonis Fructus processing |
SUN Liyan1* LIU Penghui2* DOU Guoyi1 BAO Guihua3 FU Hong1 DOU Zhiying4 MAO Yuquan5 |
1.Tianjin Vocational College of Bioengineering, Tianjin 300462, China; 2.Fangchenggang Vocational and Technical College, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Fangchenggang 538021, China; 3.Mongolian Medicine and Pharmacy College, Inner Mongolia Minzu University, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Tongliao 028300, China; 4.Traditional Chinese Medicine College, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300400, China; 5.Medicinal Materials Company, Tianjin Pharmaceutical Darrentang Group Co., Ltd, Tianjin 300410, China |
Abstract Crotonis Fructus is a commonly used drug for purgation in clinical practice, which is listed as the lower grade in the Shennong Bencao Jing. Modern literature pays more attention to the clinical application and physicochemical research of Crotonis Fructus, but there is little research on the history of its processing. The author has consulted 64 references related to Crotonis Fructus since the Han Dynasty, including herbs, medical classics, and ancient prescriptions, and summarized 48 processing methods for Crotonis Fructus, such as shelling, boiling, grinding, oil frying, pressing, charring, simmering, Menthae Haplocalycis Herba juice boiling, rice frying, frost making, wine making, and vinegar making, and so on. According to the characteristics of different historical development stages of Chinese medicine processing, the changes of Crotonis Fructus processing methods in different periods are sorted out. The processing history of Crotonis Fructus is reviewed, the modern processing technology of Crotonis Fructus is summarized by referring to the Chinese pharmacopoeia, the national traditional Chinese medicine processing standard, and periodical literature. This paper aims to provide ideas and references for further study on Crotonis Fructus processing and following the ancient processing.
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