Wang Kentang’s experience in differential diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer related to Zhengzhi Zhunsheng |
WANG Ningjie1 GU Ning2 ZHANG Kaixin1 ZHANG Yiyang1 LI Zhigang2 |
1.College of Acupuncture and Massage, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450046, China; 2.Department of Oncology, the Third Affiliated Hospital, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450008, China |
Abstract Zhengzhi Zhunsheng is a medical book written by Wang Kentang, a physician of the Ming dynasty, which revolutionizes the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases based on the work of his predecessors, the main etiology and pathogenesis of breast diseases are anxiety and depression, liver depression and qi stagnation, impaired liver and spleen function, accumulation of phlegm and poison, and deficiency of qi and blood, etc. In rare cases of male breast cancer, it is attributed to liver and kidney damage caused by anger and excessive libido. Wang Kentang emphasizes the importance of dialectical treatment, where treatment methods are flexibly applied based on clinical manifestations. He also highlights the significance of emotion therapy, distinguishs the difference in pathogenesis while regulating emotion, emphasizes the importance of examining the actual condition of qi and blood. He propose that milky rock should be detected, diagnosed and treated early, which coincides with the understanding of breast cancer in modern medicine. The analysis of Wang Kentang’s clinical experience in the treatment of milky rock is of enlightening and guiding significance for the syndrome differentiation and treatment of breast cancer.
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