Examination of the problems and innovative paths of traditional health sports teaching in schools from the perspective of “healthy China” |
QIN Hailong1 LU Songting1 WANG Bin1 HONG Hao2 |
1.Department of Physical Education, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China; 2.School of Wushu, Henan University, Henan Province, Kaifeng 475001, China |
Abstract The alignment of traditional physical health education with the “healthy China” strategy has far-reaching significance, which is conducive to improving the physical quality of the nation and ensuring the smooth implementation of the national health strategy. This paper uses literatures and logical analysis to analyze the inner connection between traditional physical education and health care courses and the “healthy China” strategy, and focuses on the problems and reform directions of traditional health care physical education in the context of “healthy China”, and puts forward rational suggestions. The study finds that traditional health care physical education in the context of “healthy China” is in line with the national strategic development needs, helps to reduce the social medical burden, and can effectively improve the health level of individuals, and other important roles. However, there are also problems of lagging teaching philosophy, teaching system to be improved and updated, and unbalanced knowledge structure of teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to update the teaching objectives and contents of “moral-skill-competence”, construct the teaching mode of “triple classroom”, improve the teaching evaluation system, and improve the comprehensive ability of teachers. The four aspects of innovation and development should be carried out.
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