Analysis on the principle of four kinds of methods of characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine |
LI Yuejia1 LI Bangzheng2 LIU Qian3 LIU Jianfeng4 |
1.Postdoctoral Research Center, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China; 2.School of Marxism, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Jinan 250355, China; 3.Planning and Platform Division, China Science and Technology Development Center for Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100000, China; 4.Folk Traditional Medicine Research Office, Institute for History of Medicine and Medical Literature, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract Characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine are the source of emergence and development of traditional Chinese medicine, which play an important role in protecting public health. However, characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine are good at practice but short in theory. The author analyzed the principles of four manipulative techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine, including Zhu’s manipulation of tendons and bonesetting, Li’s iron wrist straightening method, Li’s spinal resetting technique, and Zhang’s spinal plastic reduction technique, and found that the holistic concept is reflected, the importance of spine and du meridian is valued. They all achieve the role of regulating the whole body by correcting the spine-unblocking the du meridian-regulating yang qi. This paper discusses and analyzes the theory of characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine, expecting to contribute to its inheritance, innovation and application, so as to improve service ability of traditional Chinese medicine.
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