Analysis of medication rule of Professor Li Zhong in the treatment of colorectal cancer based on data mining |
ZENG Yu1 LI Zhong2 |
1.First Clinical Medical College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Hematology and Oncology, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China
Abstract Objective To analyze the medication rule of Professor Li Zhong in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Methods A total of 70 prescriptions of colorectal cancer patients treated by Professor Li Zhong in the Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine from December 2018 to December 2021 were collected. The included prescriptions were analyzed by Excel 2010, SPSS Modeler 18.0, and SPSS Statistics 25.0 software. Drug frequency statistics, analysis of four qi properties, five flavors, and meridian tropism association rule analysis, and system cluster analysis were carried out. The core prescriptions, medication rules, and compatibility characteristics of Professor Li Zhong’s prescription for colorectal cancer were systematically summarized, and new prescriptions were explored. Results Totally 70 valid prescriptions were included, involving 161 traditional Chinese medicines. The total frequency of drug use was 2 711 times, and 34 kinds of drugs were used more than 30 times. The top six prescriptions in frequency analysis were milkvetch root, honey-processed milkvetch root, tangshen, smoked plum, liquorice root, and turtle carapace. The drug properties were usually warm, cold, and flat; the five flavors were mainly sweet, followed by bitter and pungent; liver channel, the main channels were lung channel and spleen channel; channel tropism were dominated by liver meridian, lung meridian, and spleen meridian. Association rule analysis and cluster analysis respectively formed 11 groups of strong chain drug combinations and ten categories. Conclusion In the treatment of colorectal cancer, Professor Li Zhong mainly focuses on invigorating the spleen and warming the kidney, promoting blood circulation and dispelling phlegm, softening and dispersing knots, unobstructing qi and clearing cancer toxin. The use of medicine strives to calm and detoxify evil, slowly eliminate accumulation, in order to be flat for a period of time.
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