Professor Zhang Fuli’s experience in treating Hashimoto thyroiditis based on taiyin-yangming theory |
SUN Jing1 LI Qingwei1 WANG Jinyu1 YANG Rui1 MA Jian1 ZHANG Fuli2 |
1.School of Graduate Studies, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2.School of Basic Medicine, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China
Abstract Hashimoto thyroiditis is a clinically common autoimmune disease with a complex pathogenesis. Western medicine uses surgery, thyroid hormone replacement therapy, immunosuppressive drugs and so on to relieve symptoms and delay the course of the disease, with significant adverse effects. This disease belongs to the category of “goiter disease” in Chinese medicine. Physical, dietary, and emotional factors are related to the occurrence of this disease, and the pathogenesis of the disease is mostly due to the deficiency of vital qi and the stagnation of evil, the stagnation of phlegm and the loss of liver circulation. Pathological factors are mostly qi stagnation, phlegm coagulation, and blood stasis. Professor Zhang Fuli believes that the basic pathogenesis of the disease is dampness abundance due to spleen deficiency, with dryness and, dampness causing the disease together. Dryness and dampness interact throughout the course of the disease. Based on the taiyin-yangming theory, Professor Zhang Fuli proposes the basic treatment principle of moistening dryness, resolving dampness, and regulating the spleen and stomach, and draft the foundation plan by oneself. During the clinical treatment, according to the different stages of the disease with excessive dryness or severe dampness, the moisturizing or dispelling power of various drugs in the formula should be increased or decreased, in accordance with the growth and decline of yin and yang in the four seasons, and the therapeutic effect should be quite good with the addition and subtraction according to the symptoms.
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