Clinical research progress of Chinese medicine in the treatment of interstitial cystitis |
TAN Zilong SHEN Jianwu▲ |
Department of Urology, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100091, China
Abstract Interstitial cystitis is a chronic non-bacterial cystitis of unknown origin, which is difficult to treat clinically, with recurrent episodes of urinary frequency and painful symptoms that are difficult to heal and seriously affect the physical and mental health and quality of life of patients. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that interstitial cystitis is located in the bladder and is closely related to the spleen, kidney, and liver. The pathogenesis may be caused by qi and blood stasis obstruction, dampness and heat stagnation, spleen and kidney deficiency. Its characteristics may be the mutual influence of “deficiency, blood stasis, dampness, and stagnation” or a combination of pathogenic factors. Traditional Chinese medicine therapy, as one of the important treatment methods for this disease, pays attention to the methods of promoting blood circulation and soothing the liver, clearing heat and promoting diuresis, and strengthening the spleen and kidney when using medication. In addition to oral medication, acupuncture and moxibustion and traditional Chinese medicine infusion can be used to improve the clinical efficacy of the disease.
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