Clinical effect of ultrasound-guided percutaneous taxol coated balloon dilation in the treatment of internal arteriovenous fistula stenosis |
ZHANG Ce ZHOU Feihong XU Xiaohong WANG Junsheng |
Department of Nephrology, Nanjing Gulou Hospital Group Suqian Hospital, Jiangsu Province, Suqian 223800, China
Abstract Objective To investigate the clinical effect of ultrasound-guided percutaneous taxol coated balloon dilation in the treatment of internal arteriovenous fistula stenosis. Methods A total of 112 patients with internal arteriovenous fistula stenosis in the Department of Nephrology, Nanjing Gulou Hospital Group Suqian Hospital from December 2020 to December 2022 were selected and divided into general group and drug group according to random number table method, with 56 patients in each group. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous selective balloon dilatation was performed in both groups, in which the conventional group was dilated by conventional balloon and the drug group was dilated by taxol coated balloon. The stenosis diameter and dialysis blood flow of the two groups were compared before and one week after surgery. The success rate and complication rate of the two groups were evaluated one month after surgery, and the total incidence of restenosis of the two groups was evaluated at nine months after surgery. Results At one week after surgery, the stenosis diameter and dialysis blood flow in two groups were higher than those before surgery, and those of the drug group were higher than those of general group (P<0.05). The success rate of surgery in drug group was higher than that in general group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the total incidence of complications between the two groups (P>0.05). At nine months after surgery, the total incidence of restenosis in the drug group was lower than that in the general group (P<0.05). Conclusion Ultrasound-guided percutaneous taxol coated balloon dilation in patients with internal arteriovenous fistula stenosis can improve the stenosis diameter and dialysis blood flow, improve the success rate of surgery, reduce the rate of postoperative restenosis, and have high safety.
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