Discussion on parameter-effect relationship of Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma of Zhang Zhongjing’s classical prescriptions |
WANG Yang1 CAO Fang1 MA Yuan1 YAN Zhi1 WANG Mingyue2 LI Yanke1 LUO Shaodong1 ZHANG Wenfeng1 |
1.School of Basic Medicine, Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Jilin Province, Changchun 130117, China;
2.College of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Jilin Province, Changchun 130117, China
Abstract Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases was written by Zhang Zhongjing, which is one of the traditional medical works. It is named Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases and Synopsis of Golden Chambe respectively which was classified by later generation. Ancient and modern doctors have followed traditional medical books for syndrome differentiation and treatment, while also paying more attention to the parameter-effect relationship between prescriptions and medicines. There are about 42 classic formulas containing Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma in Zhongjing’s classical prescriptions. This article attempts to analyze the parameter-effect relationship of Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma in the classical prescriptions and summarize four levels of parameter-effect. Among them, four to six liang of Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma are mainly used for warming the middle and expelling water evil. Three liang of Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma is mainly used for regulating the middle and preventing or arresting vomiting, tonifying the middle and promoting fluid production. Two liang of Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma helping sweet and warm herbs restore pulse and nourish body fluids, descend the adverse flow of qi and harmonize the stomach. Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma below two liang is mainly used for strengthening the vital qi. This article will compare the dosage and efficacy of Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma in Zhongjing’s classical prescriptions, explore Zhongjing’s medication thinking in clinical practice, and further expand parameter-effect theory of Zhongjing’s classical prescriptions for reference by colleagues.
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