Discussion on yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine from “mass energy conversion” |
YAN Xinyu WANG Junge WANG Man ZHAO Jingyi HAN Jinshuai |
Department of Otolaryngology, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China
Abstract Yin and yang are the ancient people’s high generalization and application of the “mass energy conversion” in nature. It is the most basic concept of traditional Chinese medicine theory. Different schools of traditional Chinese medicine have different theories. Taking the law of human life movement as the research object, this paper expounds the origin of yin and yang from the mass expression, energy expression and relative equilibrium state of “mass energy conversion” in the matter theory, the existing state and metabolic movement law of yin and yang in the process of human life “mass energy conversion”, as well as the specific connotation of yin and yang in human physiology, pathology, anatomy, diagnostics, and pharmacology. It is clarified in Shanghan Lun that discriminating fluid infusion, distribution, separation, and reunion are the specific application of the theory of “mass energy conversion” in clinical practice. Fluid is unitary, the root is consistent and interdependent and mutually promoting. The mass expression state of fluid is the basis of “mass energy conversion”, and the energy expression state of fluid is the function of “mass energy conversion”. “Six diseases syndrome differentiation system” in Shanghan Lun explores the physiological and pathological laws of birth, old age, illness, and death of human beings with the quality expression state of fluid expression state, energy expression state and “mass energy conversion” theory, and makes clear the pathogenesis, law of disease transmission, principle and method of treatment, and principle-method-recipe-medicines of the six diseases. Therefore, the theory of “mass energy conversion” is the basis of the classification of yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine theory.
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