Jiao Yongzheng’s experience in treating impotence caused by alcohol based on the theory of qi, blood, and essence based on the “pungent and dryness nature of alcohol” |
LUO Chenglong1 SU Liang1 ZHANG Sizheng1 JIAO Yongzheng2 |
1.Department of Andrology, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China;
2.Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China
Abstract Impotence caused by alcohol is a common type of impotence, which has its own unique disease regularity. At present, the first-line treatment of western medicine has the shortcomings of repeated drug withdrawal, no lasting effect and so on. Jiao Yongzheng researcher from the long-term clinical experience summed up that the alcohol of pungent, dryness, and heat nature, damage to the qi, blood, and essence, and then lead to impotence. Its disease position gradually deepens, from the meridian into the collaterals to the viscera, and gradually occurs the pathogenesis evolution of “liver and spleen deficiency stagnation in the qifen”, “penile meridian blockage in the xuefen”, and “kidney essence deficiency loss in the jingfen”. In terms of treatment, Jiao Yongzheng researcher put forwards four treatment principles and methods, the first is to “dissipate the toxins of alcohol” as the core; the second is to transport spleen and disperse stagnated liver qi, tonify the qi of the middle-jiao and promote diuresis; the third is to cool blood for removing blood stasis, sweeten and moisten the penile meridian; the fourth is to fill the essence and draw the medicine to the penile meridian. Dissolves the poison of alcohol and reconciles qi, blood, and essence, thus achieving therapeutic goals. Two medical cases are also attached, with a view to providing clinical reference for ideas.
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