Huang Yuanyu’s experience in treating insomnia with phlegm-fire disturbing heart type based on the theory of “cycle flow of one qi” |
XING Yadan1 CAO Muyuan2 WEN Qianqian3 DU Caifeng1 |
1.School of Basic Medical Sciences, Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shanxi Province, Jinzhong 030619, China;
2.Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030024, China;
3.School of Nursing, Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shanxi Province, Jinzhong 030619, China
Abstract Insomnia, is due to emotion, diet, internal injury, and many other causes, often can not get normal sleep as a kind of disease syndrome, of which phlegm-fire disturbing heart type is quite common in clinical. Huang Yuanyu, a doctor in the Qing Dynasty, held the idea of “cycle flow of one qi”, from the point of view of qi of spleen and stomach as the basis hub to transfer the other four of the five elements, names wood, fire, gold, and water, to explore the etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome, and treatment of the disease. He believes that the basic pathogenesis of insomnia with phlegm-fire disturbing heart type is the decay of spleen and stomach, phlegm-turbidity disturbing clear orifices, and ministerial fire growth. Based on this, a distinctive treatment method is formed, that is banking up earth to control water, diving ministerial fire and eliminating phlegm-turbidity. In the course of treatment, the application of Huangya Decoction and Jinding Decoction is mostly based on addition and subtraction, in order to the spleen and stomach and make the movement of qi rise and fall harmoniously, to achieve the purpose of phlegm fire not produce and sleep orderly.
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