Analysis on the allocation of health human resources in rural areas of China from the equity perspective |
WU Qiong1 ZHENG Jing2 XIAN Min3 WANG Shuang2▲ QIU Wuqi1▲ |
1.Institute of Medical Information/Medical Library, CAMS&PUMC, Beijing 100020, China;
2.Shenzhen Health Development Research and Data Management Center, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518028, China;
3.Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518100, China
Abstract Objective To analyze the equity of rural health human resources allocation since new healthcare reform during 2010-2020. Methods The allocation of rural health human resources was described based on the data of health statistical yearbook in past years. The absolute difference, relative difference, and equity change of rural health human resource allocation were analyzed by using range method, proportion method and concentration index according to the stratification of urban and rural areas, east and west, and economic status. Results From 2010 to 2020, the number of human health resources per 1 000 rural population increased year by year. The number of health human resources per thousand population in rural areas was less than that in urban areas, and the absolute difference increases while the relative difference decreases. The absolute difference and relative difference in the number of practicing (assistant) physicians per thousand population in the eastern and western regions showed a fluctuating upward trend, and the absolute difference and relative difference in the number of registered nurses per thousand population showed a fluctuating downward trend. The difference of human resources of health per thousand population fluctuated and decreased among regions with different economic status. The concentration index of practicing (assistant) physicians per thousand population, registered nurses per thousand populations and registered nurses per square kilometer all showed a downward trend, while the concentration index of practicing (assistant) physicians per square kilometer showed a rising state in the fluctuation. Conclusion Since the new medical reform, the construction of rural health personnel has been strengthened to a certain extent, but it still falls short of the target set by the state. It is necessary to continue to expand the team and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas by attracting external talents and training internal talents. Focus on the allocation of practicing (assistant) physicians in central and western regions; consider the fairness of population distribution and geographical distribution.
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