Professor Hu Guoheng’s experience in the treatment of endogenous cough based on the theory of “liver is born on the left and lung is hidden on the right” |
CHEN Ya1 WANG Jinxi1 HU Guoheng1 YUAN Hua1 LIU Yingying1 XIE Jinru2 PIAO Meihong3 HE Piao2 |
1.Department of Geriatrics, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Hunan Province, Changsha 410007, China;
2.the First Clinical College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Hunan Province, Changsha 410208, China;
3.Medical College, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Hunan Province, Changsha 410208, China
Abstract Endogenous cough is one of the most common diseases in internal medicine, its high incidence and recurrence rate is a clinical problem. Through many years of clinical diagnosis, Professor Hu Guoheng attributes the key pathogenesis to the reversed flow and disorder of liver and lung qi movement. Combined with the classic theory of “liver is born on the left and lung is hidden on the right”, he proposes the basic treatment of “harmonizing liver and spleen, opening stagnation, and dispersing excess”, which has remarkable effects. Endogenous cough is mostly caused by the dysfunction of zang-fu viscera, leading to the disorder of ascending and descending of yin and yang qi movement. The ascending and descending of liver and lung play a key role in the lifting axis, so it is mainly to “harmonizing liver and spleen, opening stagnation, and dispersing excess”, while not forgetting other zang-fu viscera. According to its deviation and impact on the running degree of qi, blood and body fluid, the overall grasp of ascending and descending of qi movement, which reflects the holistic traditional Chinese medicine thinking of syndrome differentiation.
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