Analysis on the idea of prevention and treatment of epidemic disease in Zhouhou Beiji Fang |
JI Yongkuan CHEN Guosen NI Ruifan LIANG Yanlin ZHANG Qian’ao LIU Guo#br# |
School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China
Abstract The epidemic treatment ideas in the epidemic chapter of Zhouhou Beiji Fang are reflected in three aspects: understanding of epidemic diseases, epidemic prevention methods, and drug characteristics. The book believes that the epidemic is caused by “pestilential qi” and “gui du”. The book attaches importance to the prevention and control of epidemic diseases, and uses methods such as household medicine, pre-made pill scattering, nasal administration, powder, and burning and smoking to diagnose and treat epidemics as soon as possible to avoid the spread of epidemics. The nine prescriptions for curing epidemic diseases in the article are used by later doctors. The author refers to the herbal monographs as Great Dictionary of Chinese Medicine and Mingyi Bielu to analyze the characteristics and efficacy of the drug, and summarize the effects of those prescriptions as warming yang, sha gui, detoxifying, and removing dampness. According to modern pharmacological studies, the herbs of epidemic prescriptions can exert pharmacological effects such as cardiotonic action, anti-infection, anticonvulsant, antiviral, antibacteria, anti-anxiety, and depression. By summarizing the epidemic control ideas of Zhouhou Beiji Fang, those theory has value for the study of the historical evolution of the epidemic treatment theory and drug characteristics of Chinese medicine epidemic treatment.
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