Thoughts on strengthening the work of young cadres in medical research institutes in the new era |
WANG Danyang CHEN Hongjing XU Baoyi |
Department of Party Committee Organization, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China
Abstract The work of young cadres in medical research institutes is a basic work to strengthen the construction of the leadership and cadre talent team of medical research institutes in the new era. This paper analyzes the current situation of the work of young cadres in medical research institutes in the new era. There are some problems, such as insufficient attention and imperfect work system and insufficient ability and quality of young cadres themselves. Based on the characteristics of medical research institutes, this paper analyzes the reasons and put forward five measures as follows: improve the ideological understanding and shoulder the political responsibility of the work of young cadres; improve the daily discovery mechanism and reserve the reservoir of outstanding young cadres; perfect training and exercise, and build a training platform for young cadres; perfect the use mechanism and lay the foundation stone for young cadres; Improve the management and supervision mechanism, calibrate the growth direction of young cadres which will strengthen and improve the work of young cadres in medical research institutes, so as to provide reference for medical research institutes to do well in the work of young cadres, and lay a foundation for promoting the high-quality development of various undertakings of medical research institutes.
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