Study on the influencing factors of Flurbiprofen Axetil related acute kidney injury after surgery |
YUAN Xiangmin1 XIAO Jian2 HUANG Li1#br# |
1.Department of Pharmacy, Zhuzhou Central Hospital, Hunan Province, Zhuzhou 412000, China;
2.Department of Pharmacy, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Hunan Province, Changsha 410000, China
Abstract Objective To analyze the influencing factors of Flurbiprofen Axetil (FA) related acute kidney injury (AKI) after surgery. Methods All surgical inpatients who used FA in Zhuzhou Central Hospital between January and December 2019 were retrospectively investigated. The clinical data, use time, dosage and treatment course of FA were collected. The creatinine value of baseline and within seven days after treatment and others were collected. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed with logistic regression model to assess the risk factors of AKI. Results Among 859 patients who received postoperative FA analgesia, 94 patients developed AKI. The incidence rate of AKI in patients with different ages, severe anemia, hypoproteinemia, chronic kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, and combined use of diuretics, angiotensin Ⅱ receptor blockers (ARB), and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) were compared, with statistical differences (P<0.05). The results of multi factor analysis showed that severe anemia (OR=23.094, 95%CI: 4.604 to 115.853), chronic kidney disease (OR=12.080, 95%CI: 5.505 to 26.509), liver cirrhosis (OR=4.113, 95%CI: 1.602 to 10.558), ARB (OR=6.076, 95%CI: 2.553 to 14.462), and ACEI (OR=5.985, 95%CI: 3.060 to 11.703) were independent risk factors for the occurrence of AKI in patients (P<0.05). Age 19 to 45 years old (OR=0.359, 95%CI: 0.172 to 0.753) and > 45 to 65 years old (OR=0.330, 95%CI: 0.181 to 0.604) were independent protective factors for AKI (P<0.05). Conclusion FA related AKI is common after surgery. Early identification of risk factors and proactive interventions to prevent and reduce the occurrence of AKI.
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