Medication rule of Professor Lü Wenliang in treating autoimmune liver disease based on data mining |
YAO Ziang ZHAO Xin LYU Wenliang ZHANG Lili QIANG Rui |
Department of Infectious Diseases, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medicinal Sciences, Beijing 100053, China
Abstract Objective To explore the medication rules and academic thoughts of Professor Lü Wenliang’s treatment of autoimmune liver disease, through sorting out the medical records of Professor Lü Wenliang’s treatment of autoimmune liver disease, based on the data mining. Methods The outpatient medical record information of Professor Lü Wenliang from January 1, 2019 to January 1, 2022 was retrieved through the Information Center of Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, the patients diagnosed with autoimmune liver disease by Western medicine were screened, and the information of diagnosis and prescription of traditional Chinese and western medicine was extracted. Excel 2016 was used to standardize the prescription information into a database. Traditional Chinese medicine inheritance computing platform V 3.0 and R language (R 4.2.1) were used to calculate the distribution rules of drug use frequency, efficacy, four qi, five flavor, and meridian conversion, then the rule of formulation and cluster analysis were carried out. Results A total of 658 prescriptions and 158 traditional Chinese medicines were sorted out by inclusion and exclusion standard screening. The analysis of the rule of drug use showed that the four qi of the traditional Chinese medicine were mainly warm, cold, and flat; the five flavors are mainly bitter, sweet, and hot, the main channels are liver, spleen, lung, and stomach. The drug effect is mainly to supplement deficiency class, clearing heat class, and digestion class. In terms of the frequency of drug use, the top five drugs were Astragalus, Paeony, Hawthorn, Scutellaria, and Coptis chinensis. Association rule analysis showed that Astragalus-Paeony was the most frequently used antidrug. The prescriptions can be divided into four clusters by K-means clustering algorithm, and the core prescription drugs can be obtained. Conclusion Professor Lü Wenliang’s prescription for the treatment of autoimmune liver disease has distinct medication rules. The treatment is based on the principle of “invigorating qi and blood, softening the liver and strengthening the spleen, clearing heat and removing dampness”. The medication pays attention to the harmonization of qi and blood, matching cold and temperature, lifting and lowering of qi and supplementing both. It provides a reference for the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune liver diseases.
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