Research on concerted application rule of Chinese patent drug containing Astragali Radix based on data mining |
LI Yang MA Wei |
Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China
Abstract Objective To explore the concerted application characteristics and formulation rules of Astragali Radix in Chinese patent drugs in China at present. Methods Chinese Pharmacopoeia and Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions were used as data sources. Indicative diseases, applicable syndromes, commonly used drug pairs, and concerted application rules of Chinese patent drug containing Astragali Radix were explored by using frequency analysis, association rule analysis, and network atlas analysis. Results Five hundred and seventy kinds of Astragali Radix in Chinese patent drugs were collected and sorted out, involving 624 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines. The drug nature and flavour were mainly warm and sweet, and the channel tropisms were mainly liver, kidney and lung. There were 155 main diseases, mainly including fatigue, dizziness, etc. There were 149 corresponding syndromes, with the highest frequency of syndrome of deficiency of both qi and blood occurring. It was found that common concerted application drugs include Astragali Radix and Angelicae Sinensis Radix through correlation analysis. Sixteen core drug combinations and 15 association rules were obtained. The compatibility network analysis of Chinese patent medicine containing Astragali Radix showed that the core compatibility of Chinese patent medicine containing Astragali Radix showed when the support degree was ≥35%. Analysis on the compatibility of Chinese prescription drugs containing Astragali Radix showed that the core drugs for treating consumptive disease, vertigo, syndrome of deficiency of both qi and blood, and syndrome of deficiency of kidney yang all contained Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Astragali Radix and Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata. Conclusion Astragali Radix in Chinese patent drugs is mainly composed of Astragali Radix with drugs of supplementing qi and blood, tonifying deficiency and nourishing yin, which has prominent therapeutic effect on diseases of syndrome of deficiency of both qi and blood, syndrome of deficiency of kidney yang and syndrome of deficiency of both qi and yin.
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