Professor Zuo Minghuan’s experience in treating postsurgical gastroparesis syndrome of digestive tract tumors based on “middle jiao as pivot” |
WU Yu1 WANG Yitong2 ZHOU Qin3 LIAO Zijing1 MA Ruofan1 ZUO Minghuan3 |
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Center of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Beijing Youan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China;
3.Department of Oncology, Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China
Abstract Postsurgical gastroparesis syndrome of digestive tract tumors is one of the common complications after digestive tract tumor surgery, which seriously affects the postoperative quality of life and prognosis of patients. Traditional Chinese medicine has obvious advantages in treating this disease. Based on the theory of “middle jiao as pivot”, Professor Zuo Minghuan believed that this disease in essence is “deficiency of yang qi in middle jiao” and with the appearance of the reality of qi stagnation, blood stasis, and dampness, and that the pathogenesis lies in the above reasons leading to the middle jiao does not function smoothly. Combined with the characteristics of the disease and the theory of external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the method of application external treatment was used in the treatment, the selection of warming the middle to disperse cold, activating qi to remove blood stasis and dispelling dampness of the medicine was applied to zhōngwǎn, shénquē point, playing warming and restoring yang qi in middle jiao, dispelling stagnation effect to regulate the center, the balance of the rise and fall, and pay attention to the method of warming the middle, avoid giving the bitter and cold herds such as Natrii Sulfas and Rhei Radix Et Rhizoma to pass down, and achieved good clinical effect. This article introduces Professor Zuo Minghuan’s experience in treating postsurgical gastroparesis syndrome of digestive tract tumors by applying traditional Chinese medicine acupoint application based on the idea of “middle jiao as pivot”, in order to provide more diversified treatment ideas and methods for the clinic.
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