Professor Liu Deshan’s clinical experience in distinguishing and treating abnormal taste by traditional Chinese medicine |
XU Anqi1 SONG Min1 LIU Yang1 LIU Zhenguo1 SHI Zhenpeng1 LIU Deshan2 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Jinan 250014, China;
2.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Shandong Province, Jinan 250012, China
Abstract Abnormal taste refers to the abnormal taste and odor in the human body. Western medicine is easy to produce drug resistance, and the drug is easy to relapse, and there are certain limitations. Professor Liu Deshan believes that the pathogenesis of abnormal taste is always attributed to the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach or other zang-fu organs, which is a symptom of the disease of the zang-fu organs reflected in the mouth through the meridians and collaterals. Sweet taste is often treated from the dampness and heat of the spleen and stomach, sour taste is often treated from the stagnation of the spleen and stomach, bitter taste is often treated from the stagnation of the bile organs, and spicy taste is often treated from the heat of the lung and stomach. In addition, attention should be paid to grasp the differentiation of cold and heat, deficiency and excess when the syndrome is present. With the addition and subtraction of the syndrome, the disease is treating both manifestation and root cause, which have good effect, then broaden the idea for the treatment of abnormal taste. This paper summarizes clinical thinking of Professor Liu Deshan in the treatment of sweet taste, sour taste, bitter taste, and spicy taste, in order to provide experience for treatment of abnormal taste by traditional Chinese medicine. Last but not least, a typical medical case is attached for peer’s reference.
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