Visual analysis of research hotspots and trends of traditional Chinese medicine blood turbidity theory based on CiteSpace knowledge map |
WANG Muren1 SUN Xu2 LIU Jiao3 GUO Chunli1 |
1.Department of Encephalopathy, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100091, China;
2.Department of General Surgery, Haibowan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Wuhai 016000, China;
3.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Baotou Medical College, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Baotou 014000, China
Abstract Objective To explore visual analysis of research hotspots and trends of traditional Chinese medicine blood turbidity theory based on CiteSpace knowledge map. Methods From inception to July 2022, the published literatures by China National Knowledge Infrastructure on the theory of blood turbidity in traditional Chinese medicine were retrieved. CiteSpace drawed a map of relevant knowledge map through the use of metrological tools. Document keywords, authors, and publishing institutions were visually analyzed. Results A total of 158 relevant literatures had been included, and the annual volume of literatures was on the rise as a whole. The largest number of literatures were issued in 2015 and 2021, with 18 literatures each. Among them, Wang Xinlu and Wang Dongxian had the largest number of individual literatures, and form a high-yield academic team centered on Professor Wang Xinlu. Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was the largest number of publications in the field of blood turbidity. Hot keywords formed 11 clusters. Conclusion The visual atlas shows the history and development of blood turbidity theory in traditional Chinese medicine, which is in its steady development stage. The main research hotspots and trends in recent years are theoretical discussion, traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods and modern clinical research.
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