Analysis on the rules of post-infectious cough prescriptions based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Computing Platform |
SHI Weihong1 LYU Jun2 DOU Danbo1 YU Xiaoping1 SHEN Ruobing1 |
1.Department of Traditional Medicine, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China; 2.Department of Respiratory, Shanghai Pudong New Area Geriatric Hospital, Shanghai 201314, China
Abstract Objective To explore the compatibility rules and formulation ideas of traditional Chinese medicine for post- infectious cough and to guide the clinical medication effectively. Methods Literature on the treatment of post-infectious cough by traditional Chinese medicine was retrieved from CNKI, VIP, and Wanfang Data from January 1997 to September 2021, and the database was established. The Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Computing Platform V3.0 was used to carry out statistics of drug frequency, efficacy, nature and flavour, channel tropism and correlation analysis among drugs, and the core drug combination was obtained by k-means clustering analysis. Results A total of 188 prescriptions involving 162 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine were included, and 30 kinds of high-frequency drugs were screened out. The efficacy of 162 traditional Chinese medicine mainly includes dissipating phlegm, relieving cough, relieving dyspnea, relieving superficies, and tonifying deficiency classes. The medicinal natures were mainly warm, cold, and plain, and the medicinal flavours were mainly bitter, pungent, and sweet, and mainly attributed to the lung, spleen, stomach, heart, and liver channels. Through association rule analysis, 24 commonly used drug combinations and 28 groups of associated drugs were obtained. As a whole, the drug combination with “Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma-Platycodonis Radix-Asteris Radix Et Rhizoma-Armeniacae Semen Amarum-Schizonepetae Herba-Stemonae Radix-Cynanchi Stauntonii Rhizoma Et Radix- Ephedrae Herba-Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium” as the core. Five core drug groups were obtained based on cluster analysis. Conclusion The traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for post-infectious cough is characterized by dissipating phlegm, relieving cough, relieving dyspnea, relieving superficies, and tonifying deficiency, combining warm and cold, taking warm medicine as the key, and focusing on the core treatment features of lung qi, which provides theoretical basis for further exploring the clinical medication law of post-infectious cough and modern pharmacological research.
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