Study on the relationship between medical staff’s intrinsic driving and satisfaction with democratic management |
LI Yan1 LI Huan1 ZHANG Yuqing2 YUAN Zheng3 LI Jun3 WANG Cunliang1 |
1.Labor Union, Beijing Hospitals Authority, Beijing 100084, China;
2.Department of Education, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100010, China;
3.School of Public Health, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China
Abstract Objective To study the relationship between medical staff intrinsic driving and satisfaction with democratic management. Methods Using a whole-group sampling method to survey employee representatives of 22 municipal hospitals in Beijing from October to November 2020, the relationship between internal motivation and satisfaction with democratic management was analyzed using one-way and multi-way logistic regression. Results A total of 2 975 questionnaires were collected, with 2 293 valid questionnaires and an effective rate of 77.1%. The satisfaction scores of the study participants for the openness of the hospital, the labor union, and the staff council were (3.98±0.87), (4.30±0.79), and (4.12±0.79) points, respectively. Diligence, level of gratitude, sense of organizational support, and age (>40 to 50 years old) were factors influencing satisfaction with hospital affairs (OR>1, P<0.05); achievement motivation, due diligence, level of gratitude, sense of organizational support, and political appearance (CCP member), years of work (5-<10 years), and job title (mid-level, deputy high-level) were factors influencing union satisfaction (P<0.05); achievement motivation, due diligence, sense of organizational support and age (>40 to 50 years old), and education level (master’s degree) were factors influencing satisfaction with the union (OR>1, P<0.05). Conclusion The internal drive has a positive impact on the satisfaction of hospital affairs, labor union, and staff council work respectively. We should focus on stimulating the internal drive of medical staff and drive them to actively participate in democratic management.
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