Professor An Ayue’s experience in treating functional constipation with type of blood stasis due to qi deficiency |
BAI Zhiyong WANG Qian WANG Chunhui FENG Yuening FENG Dayong AN Ayue |
Department of Anorectal, Wangjing Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100102, China
Abstract Functional constipation is a common and frequent intestinal disease. With the aging of the society, changes in the pace of life and dietary habits, it has become an important factor affecting the quality of life. Traditional Chinese medicine has had a systematic understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of functional constipation for a very long time, and doctors of all dynasties have a clear vein of syndrome differentiation and treatment of constipation, which is constantly developed and improved. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine has obvious advantages in the treatment of constipation, and the long-term effect is satisfactory. However, since modern times, great changes have taken place in residents’ dietary structure, eating habits, living, and working environment, and the traditional thought of constipation syndrome differentiation has exposed certain deficiencies. Only by breaking the rules and keeping pace with the times can traditional Chinese medicine be better developed. After years of clinical practice and theoretical research, Professor An Ayue proposes that type of blood stasis due to qi deficiency has become the main syndrome differentiation type in constipation, so the clinical method should be used to supplement qi, nourish blood, and promote blood circulation as the treatment, and the various elements of pathogenesis should be identified and balanced. The empirical formula “Yiqi Yangxue Tongbian Prescription” is created, which has achieved good clinical effects.
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