Application of sedation and analgesia nursing based on eCASH concept in patients undergoing abdominal surgery in ICU |
XIAO Shenghua1 CHENG Jie2▲ LIU Zhifeng1 YU Ahong1 |
1.Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Southern Theater Command General Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510010, China;
2.Department of Hematology, Southern Theater Command General Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510010, China
Abstract Objective To explore the clinical effect of sedation and analgesia nursing based on eCASH concept in patients undergoing abdominal surgery in intensive care unit (ICU). Methods From February 2020 to February 2022, 100 patients admitted to ICU of Southern Theater Command General Hospital of Chinese People’s Liberation Army were selected as the study objects. According to the random number table method, they were divided into observation group and control group, with 50 cases in each group. The observation group received sedation and analgesic nursing management under eCASH concept, while control group received sedation and analgesic nursing management under traditional concept. The effects of sedation and analgesia, incidence of adverse events during ICU stay, and Glasgow prognostic score (GOS) at discharge were compared between two groups. Results The sedation standard time of observation group was longer than that of control group, the waking time, ICU stay time, and total hospital stay of observation group were shorter than those of control group, and RASS of observation group was lower than that of control group (P<0.05). The total incidence of adverse events in observation group was lower than that in control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in GOS at discharge between two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion The sedative and analgesic nursing of eCASH concept has a good effect in ICU abdominal surgery patients, which can improve the analgesic and sedative effects, shorten the length of stay, reduce the incidence of adverse reactions, and improve the hemodynamic indexes.
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