Research progress of immune regulation mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine on spinal tuberculosis based on the theory of “killing insects and replenishing deficiency” |
LIANG Jian1 KANG Wenting1 FENG Jing2 PU Feifei2 XIA Ping1 |
1.Clinical College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430065, China;
2.Department of Spinal Surgery, Wuhan Hospital of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430000, China
Abstract In traditional Chinese medicine, tuberculosis is mainly caused by “the deficiency of the body and the external sensation of tuberculosis”, and “killing insects and replenishing deficiency” is the general treatment principle of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of tuberculosis. Spinal tuberculosis is mostly secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis and digestive tract tuberculosis. Modern medical studies have shown that the pathogenesis and outcome of spinal tuberculosis are closely related to the immune status of the host and the growth and inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In the treatment of spinal tuberculosis, single traditional Chinese medicine components, extracts, and traditional Chinese medicine compounds can play an important auxiliary role by regulating the immune function of the body, destroying and inhibiting the generation of pathogenic bacteria, regulating autophagy and apoptosis of cells, and other different immune axes. Based on the theory of “killing insects and replenishing deficiency”, this paper discusses the research progress of the immune regulation mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine on spinal tuberculosis.
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