Exploration of the medication rule of Professor Liu Aimin in the treatment of children with psoriasis vulgaris based on the data mining technology |
ZHANG Xiu1 SHI Jiahua1 ZHANG Hui1 ZHANG Yao1 LIU Aimin2 ZHANG Buxin2 |
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450002, China;
2.Department of Dermatology, Henan Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450002, China
Abstract Objective To explore the medical experience of Liu Aimin, a famous Chinese doctor, in treating children with psoriasis vulgaris. Methods Clinical medical records of Professor Liu’s treatment of children with psoriasis vulgaris from June 2017 to June 2022 were collected. Excel 2021, SPSS, and R software were used to conduct statistical analysis with medication frequency, nature, flavour, channel tropism, correlation association rules, complex network, and clustering results as observation indicators. Results A total of 134 prescriptions were included, including 95 traditional Chinese medicines, and 20 drugs with drug frequency ≥20. The four nature of drugs were mainly cold and slightly cold, and the five flavrurs were bitter, mainly to the heart, lung, liver, spleen, and stomach channels. A core formula was obtained by combining association rules and complex network analysis, and two prescriptions were obtained by cluster analysis. Conclusion Professor Liu Aimin treats children with psoriasis vulgaris from the heart and the lung, taking into account the spleen and stomach. In the treatment, heat-clearing drugs, deficient-tonifying drugs, and heat-removing drugs are often used to clear heat and remove toxicity, cool blood for removing macula spots.
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