Analysis on the concept of protection of traditional knowledge of Chinese medicine |
WANG Liuqing1 LIU Qian1 ZHANG Zhen2 AN Hong1 QIN Peijie1 SHI Xueqin1 ZHANG Fengxia1 LIU Jianfeng1 |
1.China Institute for History of Medicine and Medical Literature, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;
2.Department of Geriatrics, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100091, China
Abstract Traditional knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine is a subordinate concept of traditional knowledge, which has the basic characteristics of subject diversity, inheritance, regionality, personal dependence, and tradition. It includes static traditional knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and active traditional knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. Among them, static knowledge refers to a certain form of solidified knowledge set, such as traditional medical literature, medical instruments, etc. Active knowledge refers to the knowledge set with potential improvement space, such as traditional Chinese medicine theory, secret recipe, diagnosis and treatment technology, processing technology, health care technology, etc. The protection of traditional knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine is different from intangible cultural heritage and intellectual property rights. While protecting cultural traditions and economic interests, it also protects the existing conditions of traditional knowledge. The feasible schemes for the protection of traditional Chinese medicine include legal means, administrative means, and intellectual property means to confirm the intellectual property rights of the above-mentioned static and active traditional knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine at the national, industrial, and social levels, prevent improper possession, promote and publicize, and inherit and develop.
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