Study on the origin of wilting disease |
CUI Yizhi1 ZHAO Jiaqi1 DONG Xu2 WANG Dongyan2 |
1.Graduate School, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2.Department of Acupuncture, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150001, China
Abstract People with wilting disease, limbs, hands, and feet are soft and useless, flaccid and thin. The disease condition of wilting disease is complex, and many reasons cause muscle, sinew and vessel loss in irrigation moisten and cause the disease. In this paper, through combing the ancient literature related to wilting disease, from the disease name, etiology, treatment principles of several places to make a textual research on the origin of the wilting disease. The pathogenesis of wilting disease is always caused by the imbalance of qi, blood, yin, and yang, and its location of zang-fu viscera can be classified as liver, kidney, lung, and stomach. The principle of treating wilting disease is mainly to supplement deficiency and strengthening vital qi, harmonizing qi and blood, to clear heat, remove dampness, activate collages, and to seek evidence to treat Yangming, expulsing pathogen and elimination of disease. This paper analyzes the understanding of the doctors of the past dynasties on the wilting disease, and summarizes its treatment methods, in order to provide reference for the understanding and diagnosis of the wilting disease in clinical and scientific research.
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