Influence of evidence-based combined with enhanced risk management in operating room of infectious diseases hospital on infection control of perioperative patients |
ZHU Xiaosu1 WANG Fang2▲ WU Yuting1 |
1.Operating Room, the Fifth People’s Hospital of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, Wuxi 214000, China;
2.Department of General Surgery, Wuxi Hospital District, the 904 Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force of Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Jiangsu Province, Wuxi 214000, China
Abstract Objective To explore the effect of evidence-based combined with enhanced risk management in the operating room of infectious diseases hospital on perioperative complications and infection control. Methods A total of 129 patients with infectious diseases admitted to the operating room of the Fifth People’s Hospital of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province and the Department of General Surgery the 904th Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force of Chinese People’s Liberation Army from August 2020 to April 2021 were selected. According to the nursing time, the patients were divided into control group (63 cases from August to December 2020) and observation group (66 cases from January to April 2021). The control group received routine nursing, and the observation group received evidence-based risk management. After one month of nursing, the risk awareness, nursing risk events, patient complications, equipment disinfection, and iatrogenic infection of nursing staff were compared between the two groups. Results After intervention, the risk awareness score of nursing staff in the observation group was higher than that before intervention, and the observation group was higher than the control group (P<0.05). The total incidence of risk events in observation group was lower than that in control group (P<0.05). The total incidence of perioperative complications in observation group was lower than that in control group (P<0.05). The qualified rate of postoperative instrument disinfection and cleaning in observation group was higher than that in control group (P<0.05). No iatrogenic infection of nursing staff occurred in the two groups. Conclusion Evidence-based combined with enhanced risk management in the operating room of infectious disease hospital can increase the risk awareness of nursing staff, reduce the occurrence of risk events, and reduce the occurrence of perioperative complications of patients.
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