Analysis of the effectiveness of refined operation management of county hospitals based on medical value added |
ZHANG Lili1 QIU Yanbing2 LI Haiyang3 KANG Yingxian4 SUN Yanrong5▲ |
1.Department of Audit Section Qinghe Central Hospital, Hebei Province, Qinghe 054800, China;
2.President Office, Qinghe Central Hospital Vice, Hebei Province, Xingtai 054800, China;
3.Executive Office, Qinghe Central Hospital, Hebei Province, Qinghe 054800, China;
4.Science and Education Division, Qinghe Central Hospital, Hebei Province, Qinghe 054800, China;
5.Secretary Office, Qinghe Central Hospital, Hebei Province, Qinghe 054800, China
[Abstract] |
Abstract Objective To explore the effectiveness of refined operation management based on medical value added and to provide a theoretical basis for refined operation management of medical institutions. Methods The operation index data of Qinghe Central Hospital before and after the fine management, such as medical added value, outpatient income ratio, drug ratio, and consumption ratio, were selected as the research objects. The operation results before (from January to December in 2017) and after (from January to December in 2021) the fine management were compared. The development trend of operational indicator data from 2017 to 2021 were observed. Results The percentages of outpatient revenue and drugs were higher after refinement management than before refinement management, and the percentages of consumables and operational indicators were lower after refinement management than before refinement management, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). From 2017 to 2021, the percentage of medical value added and outpatient revenue of the hospital would increase year by year, while the percentage of drugs and consumption would decrease year by year, and the data of each operation index would be continuously optimized. Conclusion The implementation of refined operation management with medical value added as the performance target is effective and can drive the overall development of the hospital, which is worth promoting and applying.
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