Summarization of Professor Zhang Zhenyu’s experience in the treatment of suprascapular nerve entrapment syndrome based on the theory of “keeping tendons in tendons” and dynamic and static combination by manipulations of precise tendon relaxation |
HU Qian1 ZHANG Zhenyu1 FAN Su1 WAN Youhong2 SU Hong1 ZHANG Xi1 LI Meijiao2 |
1.Characteristic Diagnosis and Treatment Center, Wangjing Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100102, China;
2.Graduate School, Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550002, China
Abstract Suprascapular nerve entrapment syndrome is easily confused with cervical spondylosis and shoulder joint diseases in clinic, which makes the treatment be delayed, thus, resulting in atrophy of supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles and limited shoulder function in the later stage. Early accurate diagnosis and effective intervention are of great significance for the recovery of shoulder joint function and the avoidance of muscular atrophy. Based on the theory of keeping the tendons diseases in tendons, this article discusses the treatment from “jin”, which provides new ideas for clinical related diagnosis and manipulative treatment. During initial period evil encroach fleshy exterior by using precise massage to release the local tendons and remove the nerve trapped point, so that yang qi can recover. The middle course of the disease is so long that blood stasis and qi stagnation, which need to cooperate with the exercise stretching technique to relax the tendons and collaterals, soft tendons to help movement. While in the late, the meridian is short of qi and blood, making the weakness of tendon and muscle, through self-exercise enhancing healthy qi and increase muscle fullness.
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