Research on the medication law of traditional Chinese medicine doctor han shirong in the treatment of vitiligo based on data mining platform |
ZHANG Binghan1 MA Kedang2 TAO Chunyan1 HAN Shirong2 LI Wenbin2 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712046, China;
2.Department of Dermatology, Shaanxi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xi’an 710003, China
Abstract Objective To better guide the clinical practice, this paper summarizes Han Shirong’s theoretical ideas and clinical experience in the treatment of vitiligo through the data mining system and looks for the hidden rules. Methods Based on the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance platform system V2.50 software, the outpatient medical records of vitiligo patients diagnosed and treated by Han Shirong, a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor, from June 2020 to June 2021 was collected. After data screening and processing, the records were entered into the software. The entered prescriptions were analyzed comprehensively by data mining, such as drug use frequency statistics, statistics of four nature of drugs, five flavours, and channel tropism, analysis of prescription rules and association rules, and complex system entropy cluster, etc. Results After screening, 819 prescriptions were included, including 122 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. In order of frequency, the drugs with high frequency were malaytea scurfpea fruit, fried largehead atractylodes rhizome, indian bread, milkvetch root, fried coix seed, ect.; the medicinal properties were mainly warm and flat, the medicinal tastes were mainly sweet and pungent, and the main ones were spleen, liver and kidney. The commonly used high-frequency drug pairs were “fried largehead atractylodes rhizome-malaytea scurfpea fruit”, “malaytea scurfpea fruit-indian bread” and “fried atractylodes-fried largehead atractylodes rhizome”. Cluster analysis obtained nine new prescriptions, the effect of which was mainly to tonify qi and spleen, clearing heat and dampness, and nourishing liver and kidney. Conclusion Professor Han believes that the core pathogenesis of vitiligo is the disorder of qi and blood caused by internal fire. The treatment focus is on reducing the potential heat between skin surface and muscle. Professor Han takes “Ganwen Chure”, “Yinhuo Guiyuan” as the methods. He uses largehead atractylodes rhizome, milkvetch root, tangshen and other drugs to invigorate and raise the Yang. He also uses prepared common monkshood branched root, zingiber and cassia bark to help the kidney astringe yuanyang. Applying indian bread and coix seed to remove the pathogenic factor from the bladder. It emphasize the combination of reinforcing and reducing. It also stress the principle of removing the pathogenic factor without harming the health.
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