Study on medication rule of Xingqi Lishui Prescription in Chinese Medical Code based on data mining |
KONG Miao1 LIU Chengshuai1 SONG Qingqiao2 ZHOU Yuping1 |
1.Department of Cardiology, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China;
2.Department of General, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the medication rule of Xingqi Lishui Prescription in Chinese Medical Code to guide clinical application. Methods The relevant provisions of the Chinese Medical Code (5th edition) were searched and prescriptions were selected by keyword “edema” or “water vapor” or “water disease”. The observed indicators were drug composition, nature, flavours, channel tropism, efficacy and concerted application relation. SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 26.0 were used for frequency statistics, association rules, clustering analysis, and other medication rule analysis. Results A total of 127 prescriptions and 144 drugs were included. Fifteen high frequency drugs were found, among which the most common drug properties were bitter, pungent, sweet, warm, and cold, which were mainly attributed to the lung and spleen channels, with the main effect of diuresis and diffusing dampness, regulating qi-flowing and tonifying deficiency. Commonly used concerted application drug groups included Aucklandiae Radix, Arecae Semen, Descurainiae Semen Lepidii Semen, Mori Cortex, and so on. The three cluster prescriptions were mainly for regulating the lung, strengthening the spleen and promoting qi. Complex network analysis found 28 core drugs and one strong link drug (Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium-Mori Cortex). Conclusion The syndrome of lung qi stagnation and middle coke qi stagnation is the indication of regulating qi and diuresis. The formula should adhere to the essence of diuresis and diffusing dampness, and the lung and spleen should be treated together, the channel should be regulated, the spleen should be strengthened and middle focal should be widened, which is the key of the regulating qi and diuresis.
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