Analysis of problems and suggestions for optimization in the training of Western medicine learning from traditional Chinese medicine based on in-depth interviews |
CAO Yu1 LIU Gang2 ZHAO Danyang1 PANG Bo3 LI Ming2 LI Fusheng2 ZHANG Chuanlong3▲ |
1.Department of Preventive Treatment of Disease, Beijing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Beijing 100039, China;
2.Beijing Association of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Beijing 100005, China;
3.Department of International Medical, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China |
Abstract Objective To discuss the problems in the training and management of “Western medicine learning from traditional Chinese medicine” (hereinafter referred to as “Western-learns-Chinese”), and to provide reference for optimizing the practice of “Western-learns-Chinese” in the future. Methods A total of 12 experts in the field of training and management of “Western-learns-Chinese” in Beijing were selected for the study, and personal one-on-one in-depth interviews were conducted with experts from the management of the institute, clinicians and university teachers. NVivo 12 Plus was used to conduct a qualitative study of the original interview data, using a three-level coding approach, and the interviews were conducted at three levels: trainee development, trainee management, and trainee certification of the “Western-learns- Chinese” training. Results Three themes at the trainee management level: the lack of perfect management standardization, the importance of establishing a sound assessment and evaluation system, and the fact that personnel selection and threshold setting should be both standardized and flexible. Four themes at the trainee training level: the training process of trainees with or without teachers needs to be further discussed, the practicality of the curriculum needs to be improved, different levels of training should be set for different trainees, and the teaching model still lacks innovation. Three themes at the trainee certification level: the lack of policy-level certification and recognition after the training of “Western-learns- Chinese” trainees relies on the introduction of relevant policies by government management departments and the strengthening of communication and collaboration between “Western-learns-Chinese” training and management- related departments. Conclusion The study proposes suggestions for improvement of the problems in the cultivation of “Western-learn-Chinese” talents. Only through the standardization, practicalization, and specialization of “Western-learns- Chinese” education can we train more medical talents with the highest level of sophistication and sincerity for the country.
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