Analysis of knowledge graph of acupuncture in the treatment of vertigo based on CiteSpace |
QIN Shuya1 LI Ling2 HUANG Wenbo1 DENG Hua2 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712000, China;
2.Department of Geriatrics, Shaanxi Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xian 710000, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the research hotspots and research trends in the field of acupuncture in the treatment of vertigo. Methods The research object was the literature related to the treatment of “vertigo” with “acupuncture” from the inception of the CNKI to December 2021. The number of documents, authors, organizations and keywords in turn were analyzed, relevant atlas was drawn. Results A total of 883 articles were included, and the number of documents issued increased year by year. In the past 20 years, four major research teams had been formed, 28 keywords with frequency more than ten times. Among them, there were seven high-frequency keywords with intermediary centrality more than 0.1. There were 15 emerging keywords, and the keywords were grouped into 12 categories. Conclusion The field of acupuncture in the treatment of vertigo mainly focus on the types of common vertigo diseases, the treatment methods of acupuncture, acupoint selection tendency, other therapies, and the types of academic research to carry out research changes in different time periods. However, research on the targets and experimental mechanisms of acupuncture is relatively lacking.
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