Experience summary of Professor Wang Junge in the differentiation and treatment of allergic rhinitis with classical prescriptions |
DONG Hanyi1 WANG Junge2 |
1.Graduate School, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Otolaryngology, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China |
Abstract This article introduces Professor Wang Junge’s experience in treating allergic rhinitis with classical prescriptions. Professor Wang Junge has inherited Zhongjing’s academic system, and has been engaged in clinical medicine and clinical research for decades. He is good at using classical prescriptions in the differentiation and treatment of allergic rhinitis otolaryngology diseases. Professor Wang Junge uses “three views of the classical prescriptions” to interpret the pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis as “deficient vital qi and cold-dampness encumbering the exterior”, dual disease of the exterior and interior, and take the exterior as the anxious and suffering. The treatment should be based on the method of “warm yang and secure the exterior, dissipate cold and eliminate dampness”. According to the clinical performance, allergic rhinitis is divided into wind-cold and rheum-inverse syndrome, yang-deficiency and rheum-inverse syndrome, cold rheum transform into heat syndrome, exterior vacuity without securing and containing syndrome. Classification of pathogenesis based on six meridians syndrome differentiation, identifies the state of body fluid distribution clutch. And applying classical prescriptions based on the principle of yin and yang. To take the prescription with the principle and method, and the clinical effect is good.
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