Professor Li Shuanglei’s experience on diabetic osteoporosis from kidney deficiency and blood stasis in collaterals |
DONG Liping1 TANG Aihua2 LI Shuanglei1 ZHOU Yexin1 LAI Chuchu1 ZHANG Xiaoting1 |
1.Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530000, China;
2.Department of Endocrinology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530023, China |
Abstract As a systemic bone metabolic disease, diabetic osteoporosis is an important complication of diabetes, and has always been a difficult clinical problem. Professor Li Shuanglei is a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Through many years of clinical practice and observation, Professor Li Shuanglei has rich experience in the prevention and treatment of diabetic osteoporosis. When consumptive thirst is dissipated for a long time, deficiency and excess are mixed, the kidney is deficient and the bone collateral is lost of nutrition, and the kidney dominating bone marrow function is reduced, and bone is withered and marrow is reduced, and then reduced to become “bone flaccid”; when consumptive thirst is dissipated for a long time, long disease into the collaterals, blood stasis blocks the kidney collaterals, blood stasis damages bone, which can further accelerate the bone damage, the formation of a vicious cycle. Professor Li Shuanglei first proposed that the core pathogenesis of diabetic osteoporosis is kidney deficiency and blood stasis in collaterals, and bone collateral damage, and the treatment should take tonifying kidney and removing blood stasis as the main principle. Professor Li Shuanglei makes addition and subtraction application according to Zhuanggu Formula, and achieves good practical results in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of diabetic osteoporosis. Based on the pathogenic characteristics of kidney deficiency and blood stasis in collaterals, Professor Li Shuanglei analyzes the relationship between kidney deficiency and blood stasis in collaterals and the incidence of diabetic osteoporosis, hoping to provide theoretical basis for clinical treatment of diabetic osteoporosis from different perspectives.
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