Study of term problems and English translation of dietary symptoms in Jin Gui Yao Lue |
WANG Shanshan1 WANG Tianfang2 GOU Feiyue2 YAN Li1 LIN Fenggai1 |
1.School of Humanities, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China;
2.School of Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China |
Abstract Dietary conditions are usually examined in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Dietary symptoms are commonly seen in Jin Gui Yao Lue, but they are rarely studied till now. Through the study of 61 terms of dietary symptoms in the book, it is found such phenomena exist as similar descriptions, ambiguous expressions, undefined connotations and polysemy. After clarifying the connotations of these terms, it selects the English versions of Li Zhaoguo and Nigel Wiseman, and studies the English translation of these terms, finding that there exist such problems as inappropriate expressions, incorrect and overlong translations. With examples this study analyzes the above problems and puts forward a suggestion that the connotations of terms should be clear no matter in clinical work or translation of traditional Chinese medicine, aiming to provide references for the normalization of traditional Chinese medicine terms and the study of traditional Chinese medicine classics translation.
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