Qiu Mingyi’s experience in treating Sjögren syndrome with three methods |
WANG Bowen PEI Zijuan TAO Chunhui TAN Ping LIU Haojie FAN Xun |
Clinical College of Chinese Medicine, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430061, China |
Abstract Sjögren syndrome is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterized by progressive exocrine gland damage. The pathogenesis of Sjögren syndrome is not yet clear. Western medicine mainly uses local replacement therapy and immunotherapy to control symptoms, but the curative effect is unstable. It belongs to the category of “dryness syndrome” in traditional Chinese medicine. At present, it is generally believed that the pathogenesis is yin deficiency and fluid insufficiency, and the fluid is not distributed. Treatment focuses on nourishing yin and promoting fluid, clearing away heat and detoxifying. Professor Qiu Mingyi has a unique opinion on the treatment of this disease and its related complications. He believes that the root pathogenesis is insufficient transformation of the source, and the responsibility lies in the lung, kidney, spleen, and stomach. The loss of vital energy is the pathogenesis of the disease, and the internal and external pathogens are the mechanisms for its persistence. In treatment, syndrome differentiation is combined with disease differentiation, and the three methods of open source, reduce expenditure and eliminate evil are used for differentiation and treatment: it can replenish the lung, spleen, and kidney, replenish qi and yin, and store stomach yin to open up the source of yin and fluid in the zang fu organs; the combination of tonifying and astringent, astringent yin and strengthen essence to save the flow of qi and yin; combined with the method of clearing heat, detoxifying, expelling wind and unblocking collaterals, it can dispel the evil of viscera and meridians based on cause and syndrome. Professor Qiu is flexible in treating Sjögren syndrome, giving consideration to both the symptoms and the symptoms, and improving his Yin and Yang and five phases theory clinical thinking, according to the results of clinical dialectics, applying flexible methods to treat disease, and has a good effect.
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