Analysis on the restriction factors of inheritance of characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine |
YANG Jian1 LIU Jianfeng2 SHI Xueqin2 ZHANG Fengxia2 LI Chun3 |
1.Chinese Medicine Party and Government Office, China Science and Technology Development Center, Beijing 100027, China;
2.Chinese Medical History and Literature Research Folk Traditional Pharmaceutical Research Office, Institute for the History of Chinese Medicine and Medical Literature, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;
3.Proprieter’s Office, Publishing House of Ancient Chinese Medical Books, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract As an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine have their own unique advantages. However, the inheritance status of characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine is not optimistic, and many excellent techniques are on the verge of being lost. At the individual, social, and national levels, there are different factors that restrict the inheritance of characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine. Some characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine cannot be effectively protected due to traditional thinking or problem of personal rights and interests, and some technology holders have low intention to inherit. Due to its own characteristics, the characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine lack a comprehensive and relevant understanding of the society, which restricts its inheritance in a wider range. The current national law has high requirements on the holders of characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine, and the lack of a complete protection system for their technical intellectual property rights also restricts the inheritance of characteristic diagnosis and treatment techniques of folk traditional Chinese medicine.
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