Reflection and exploration on the development of medical education in colleges and universities |
YANG Yuchun |
Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China |
Abstract At present, the discipline layout of medical education is not balanced, and the external return rate and social service ability still need to be improved. Through perspective of the discipline structure of medical education, to clarify the discipline logic of social service function of medical education, based on the social needs, to clarify the connotation and methods of medical education innovation in colleges and universities. In the future, medical education in primary and secondary schools should be regarded as an effective way to expand social service of medical discipline, lead the construction of professional system of health education in colleges and universities by interdisciplinary logic, update the knowledge system of traditional medical education by the view of great health, expand the scope of social service, and guide the scientific and professional medical education by the methodology of discipline integration.
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