Influence of different electro-acupuncture timing on the analgesic effect of primary dysmenorrhea with a cold and damp stagnation pattern |
LI Chunhua1 HU Nijuan1 XU Dazhao2 MA Liangxiao3 WU Xiaohong1 LIU Ping1 ZHU Jiang3 DUO Haoying4 |
1.Department of Acupuncture and Physiotherapy, Medical University Electric Power Teaching Hospital, Beijing 100073, China;
2.Department of Oncology, Zhongguancun Hospital of Beijing, Beijing 100073, China;
3.School of Acupuncture- Moxibustion and Tuina, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
4.Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University Electric Power Teaching Hospital, Beijing 100073, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the influence of different electro-acupuncture timing on the analgesic effect of primary dysmenorrhea (PD) with a cold and dampness stagnation pattern. Methods A total of 72 PD patients with cold and dampness syndrome enrolled in the outpatients of Electric Power Teaching Hospital of Capital Medical University from December 2018 to December 2020 were selected as the research objects. They were divided into premenstrual group and menstrual group by random number table method, with 36 cases in each group. Both groups were treated with electroacupuncture for 30 minutes at the sānyīnjiāo, dìjī, and xuánzhōng for three consecutive menstrual cycles and followed up for two menstrual cycles. The visual analogue scale (VAS) and the retrospective symptom scale-COX2 (RSS-COX2) were used to evaluate clinical symptoms. Results The overall analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the VAS scores of inter-group comparison and interaction (P>0.05). Time point comparison of VAS scores, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The VAS score in the first to fifth cycle was decreased compared with that before treatment, the VAS score in the second to fifth cycle was decreased compared with that in the first cycle, the VAS score in the third to fifth cycle was decreased compared with that in the second cycle, the VAS score in the fourth to fifth cycle was decreased compared with that in the third cycle, and the VAS score in the fifth cycle was decreased compared with that in the fourth cycle, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Overall analysis: there were statistically significant differences between groups, time point comparison and RSS-COX2 scores of interaction (P<0.05). Intra-group comparison: The RSS-COX2 score in the first to fifth cycle was lower than before treatment, the RSS-COX2 score in the second to fifth cycle was lower than that in the first cycle, the RSS-COX2 score in the third to fifth cycle was lower than that in the second cycle, the RSS-COX2 score in the fourth cycle was lower than that in the third cycle, and the RSS-COX2 score in the fifth cycle was lower than that in the fourth cycle, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Comparison between groups: from the second to fifth cycle, the RSS-COX2 score of the menstruating group was higher than that of the menstruating group(P<0.05). Conclusion Both premenstrual and menstrual electroacupuncture can significantly relieve pain and accompanying symptoms for PD with a cold and dampness stagnation pattern, and pre-menstrual treatment is better than menstrual treatment in improving the accompanying symptoms.
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