Tracing the origin of the thought of “the spirit of great physician” and its philosophical interpretation |
KANG Jian WU Yonggang ZHANG Yajun |
School of Marxism, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xi’an 712046, China |
Abstract Sun Simiao’s thought of “the spirit of great physician” on medical ethics, which has rich connotation and long history. Clarifying the origin and explaining the philosophy behind it are important to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the traditional medical ethics thought of “the spirit of great physician”. Actually,the combination of “great physician” and “sincerity” is a evolution of the ideological history of Chinese traditional medicine from “withcraft and medicine homologous”, then to “separate the witchcraft and medicine”, and finally “intergration the medicine and philosophy”. The interpretation of “great medicine” with “sincerity” is essentially the performance of medicine obtains metaphysical support then to moves towards rationalism. With the thought of “the spirit of great physician”, Sun Simiao made medicine from “the technology of a variety of handicrafts artisan” to a new height of “no matter which kind of skill, when it develops to the extreme, it will conform to the law of nature, which is the Tao”. The spirit of mutual interpretation and integration of medical and philosophy embodied in The Spirit of Great Physician is of great practical significance to the current medical ethics education.
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